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Name Lucien Immink
Nickname Nick (arielext)
Birthday April 21th 1979
Hometown Amersfoort
Work Software Programmer & Digital audio engineer at the VPRO
Fav. singer Anneke van Giersbergen
Fav. number 3
Fav. hand Left
weekday get up, work, home, sleep
weekend get up, home, drunk, sleep
can't live without music
can live without people

Portfolio (sort of)

Java 3D Chess

I've made a game for CMG, The chess applet is build with Java 3D. CMG wanted to know if 3D was something they had to implement in other sites, the pilot game can be found <here>. The research paper attached to the project can be made public, just mail me if you want it.

Weird Willies Safar

I've made a game together with William Groenendijk, Rinse van Hees and René Jeronimus for TLO. The purpose of the game was to interest the youth in technology again.

3D Audio

I've made a paper about 3D audio, HRTF, Binaural hearing, Transaural and echo cancelation, with demo. This paper was intended for school, but maybe someone else can use this. The DUTCH paper can be found <here>

Netpro II

Together with Pjotr van Amerongen, Hans Goudswaard, Rinse van Hees and René Jeronimus I've made the communication tools for the Netpro II project. Email me for the final version, but you'll need a nifty LAMP system to run it.

Ogg Vorbis

I've made a paper about Ogg Vorbis. You can read what Ogg Vorbis is about, what it does, why it does it and more. The DUTCH paper can be found <here>

VPRO - Streaming media

For my graduation I've build a complete Streaming media service for the VPRO. It uses Ogg Vorbis to send data from location to the studio's. There it's converted back in audio and given to a mixer. This software made mixer (linux, alsa, perl) swithes from a jukebox signal to the live signal when needed. The audio is encoded in Realmedia and Windowsmedia. Listeners can listen (really?) to it all day <here> (again in DUTCH).

VPRO - Digital Adio Engineer

Right... sorry I mean LEFT :) now I'm the Digital Audio engineer for the VPRO. My work consists of making sure that all digital audio (and sometimes video) is working.

VPRO - Programmer

Besides working as the Digital Audio Enigineer I work as a programmer for the VPRO websites. Both frontend (JSP, flash) and Backend (java, mmbase). Most notable projects:

  • SearchServlet which connects to an external searchengine
  • Servlet for coughing up the playlists for the live channels
  • Jack the Ripper; a bash based frontend for ripping and encoding files
  • Globetrotter: encode and serve live audio from the biggest festivals in the Netherlands (Pinkpop, Lowlands)
  Wasted space